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Q: What is an example of being precise but not accurate?
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Meaning of precise?

It means-exact, specific or more accurate. example: can you be more precise on your answer?

What is an example of something that is precise and accurate using darts?

a teacher

What is precision and accurancy?

Precision is how to keep track of good a measuring device is. Accuracy is how close an answer is to being correct. Something can be precise but not accurate. Something can be accurate but not precise.

Can a number be accurate but not precise?

no only if it is precise it is accurate

Explain how a series of measurements can be precise without being accurate?


Can a measurement be precise without being accurate?

You can make a very precise measurement with a poorly calibrated device.

Are 76.48 cm 76.47 cm and 76.59 accurate or precise?

These numbers are precise, as they are all close together. If any one of these are accurate, then this group of numbers can be considered precise and accurate.

What measurement is more precise and accurate?

What determines how precise a measurement is

Does the word precise means careless?

precise means accurate

What is the meaning of 'scientific?

Precision is defined as how close measurements are to each other. Example: 4.3, 4.4, 4.4 are precise because they are close to each other. If the "correct" answer is 4.4, they are also accurate. If the "correct" answer is 4.0, they are not very accurate, but they are still precise.

Which measurement is more precise 57 57.2 57.21 or 57.213?

The word accurate is a synonym for precise. So the most accurate (or precise) answer would be 57.213 because it is more accurate if the number is not rounded.

What is the difference between precise and accurate?

Accuracy is how close to the truth and precision is how narrow the the range of uncertainty or error. For example in guessing weight, of 150 # person, an accurate guess could be 140 # +- 15 #. An inaccurate guess would be 145# +- 2#. The first guess is accurate but not precise, the second is inaccurate but more precise.