1728 is a pure number. Without units it has no meaning in volumetric measurements.
Without math, our lives would be a mess. Imagine yourself living without calculations and measurements. This is a worst scenario.
Without knowing more measurements there is no possibility to calculate. Also, the term 1 'area' is ambiguous.
without geometry, we cant build a house in a right manner because, we need to now the angles and the right measurements....
Yes, a measurement can be precise without being accurate. Precision refers to how close repeated measurements are to each other, while accuracy refers to how close a measurement is to the true value. It is possible for measurements to be consistently close to each other (precise) but consistently off from the true value (inaccurate).
Accuracy refers to how close a measured value is to the true or accepted value, while precision refers to how close multiple measurements are to each other. In other words, accuracy indicates correctness, whereas precision indicates consistency. A measurement can be precise but not accurate if it consistently misses the true value by the same amount, while it can be accurate without being precise if measurements are scattered.
Measurements are crucial in gathering accurate and precise data. They provide a quantitative basis for comparisons and analysis, ensuring consistency and objectivity in the data collected. Without proper measurements, the data may lack reliability and validity, making it difficult to draw meaningful conclusions from the findings.
Flasks have a more narrow neck, which reduces the risk of splashing or spilling the titrant during the titration process. This allows for more precise control of the titration endpoint and accurate measurements. Beakers have a wider opening, making them less suitable for precise measurements and control of the titration.
A series of measurements can be precise if they are consistently close to each other, showing low variability or random error. However, this precision does not guarantee accuracy, as the measurements may still be consistently incorrect due to a systematic error or bias present in the measuring instrument or technique.
If you take a measurement multiple times, and get similar values each time, then the data is said to be very precise. If this group of data is very close to the expected value, then the data is said to be accurate. However, a set of data may be precise without being accurate if the measured values are all similar to one another, but not close to the expected value.
The sleeve on a micrometer screw gauge is used to provide fine adjustment of the measurement by rotating it to move the spindle in or out slightly. This helps in achieving accurate and precise measurements by allowing the user to make small adjustments without needing to rotate the thimble.
Precise value refers to an exact measurement or quantity without any ambiguity or rounding. It provides an accurate representation of the value being measured, ensuring that calculations or comparisons are as accurate as possible. This is often important in fields such as science, engineering, and finance where precision is essential.
On the contrary, making measurements is an essential aspect of gathering data. Measurements provide quantitative information that allows for the collection and analysis of data. Without accurate measurements, it is difficult to obtain reliable data for decision-making or research purposes.
Measurements are precise when they are all very similar (ie, if a temperature was measured as 23.2C, 23.1C, and 23.3C). Measurements are accurate when they are close to a known value (such as 100.01C measured as the boiling point of pure water at 1 atm).
Using electronic data loggers or sensors is likely to produce the most accurate results during an experiment because they can provide precise and real-time measurements without human error or bias. These devices can capture data consistently and in a standardized manner, leading to more reliable results.
You need to be more precise about which mission are you talking about. Without further details it will be impossible to give an accurate answer about the question.