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Let I=(f1,…,fn) and J=(g1,…,gm) be two ideals generated by regular sequences of monomials in the polynomial ring R=k[x1,x2,…,xu]

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where p(IJ) is the polarization of IJ, ΔI is the simplicial complex corresponding to the squarefree monomial ideal I, and ΔJ is the simplicial complex corresponding to the squarefree monomial ideal I.

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How many terms are in the product of monomials?

The product of monomials is a single term.

A number a power of a variable or a product of the two is a monomial while a polynomial is the of monomials?

sum of the monomials APEX =)

Who invented monomials?

A monomial is a product of positive integer powers of a fixed set of variables. Monomials were invented by Austrian mathematician Bruno Buchberger.

What is the definition of monomials?

A product of variables and numbers. Ex:) 5xIt can only be a product (multiplication). If you have 5 + x, then that would be a binomial because it has two monomials: 5 and x.A monomial is very similar to a term!

Is 2x 3x 3y is an example of addition of monomials?

2X + 3X + 3Y ???= 5X + 3Y===============yes, addition of these monomials yields that answer

What is product ofsum and difference of two monomials?

That's the difference of the monomials' squares. If the two numbers are "a" and "b" then (a + b)(a - b) = a^2 - b^2 where ^ means "to the power of".

How do you add monomials?

Adding monomials. Add together like terms. Example 4x + 5x. Add the coefficients. Example 4 + 5 = 9. Keep the base which was x. So the answer to 4x + 5x = 9x

What is the relationship between monomials binomials and trinomials?

A binomial is the sum of two monomials. A trinomial is the sum of three monomials. A polynomial is the sum of one or more monomials.A binomial is the sum of two monomials. A trinomial is the sum of three monomials. A polynomial is the sum of one or more monomials.A binomial is the sum of two monomials. A trinomial is the sum of three monomials. A polynomial is the sum of one or more monomials.A binomial is the sum of two monomials. A trinomial is the sum of three monomials. A polynomial is the sum of one or more monomials.

What are two monomials together?

Two monomials would be a Binomial or Polynomial.

What does it mean to factor a monomial?

A number, a variable, or a product of a number and one or more variables. Ex: 3xy,x, and 14 are monomials.

Give the GCF of each pair of monomials?

Sure, just tell us what the monomials are.

How do you factor a monomial?

To factor a monomial, is to write the monomial as the product of two monomials. there are more than one possible answers when factoring For example if you had: 6x4 the answer could be -(2x3)(3x) -(2x2)(3x2) -(6x)(x3) -(x)(6x3) -(6x2)(x2)