An inference is something which you deduce that the speaker or write means although he hasn't said anything about it directly. If you came in and said, "My, it's hot in here", I might infer that the heating needs turning down.
Statistical inference occurs when
Define statistical inference and give an example
What is the use of statistical inference in technology?
An inference clue is a clue that helps you figure out the whole idea of a word or sentence.
making an inference
It is called an inference.
It is called an inference.
An inference is a conclusion or opinion drawn from clues or statements in a story. It involves using the information provided to make a logical assumption that is not explicitly stated.
making an inference
making an inference
At the end of concluding a mystery or pointing out something based on previous actions or facts.
a detective of inference
iNFeReNCe is hyPoThEsES disEaSe