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Q: What is an interval- ratio variable?
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Can a variable measured at the interval or ratio level can have more than one arithmetic mean?

A variable measured at the interval or ratio level can have more than one arithmetic mean.

Is the variable height of women nominal ordinal interval or ratio?

Ratio: The ratio of the heights of two women is meaningful. For instance, one woman might be 4/5 the height of another woman.

What are some schedules of reinforcement?

There are two kinds of reinforcement schedules. The first is continuous reinforcement where desired behavior is reinforced every time. The second schedule is partial reinforcement where a response is reinforced part of the time. Within partial reinforcement, there are four schedules which include fixed-ratio, variable-ratio, and fixed-interval and variable- interval.

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It is ratio.

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What is a variable interval schedule?

Variable-interval schedule (VI) is a reinforcement schedule in which reinforcement is provided for the first response that occurs after a variable amount of time from the last reinforcer or the start of the trial interval.

What is partial reinforcement?

Partial reinforcement is when an individual is rewarded on some, but not all, trials. There are multiple variants of partial reinforcement (fixed interval, variable interval, fixed ratio) but the schedule that is most likely to have the slowest extinction rate is variable ratio, meaning that after a certain number of trials between two values, a reward will be given. A real life example of this is gambling.

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In math what is an interval?

a variable

What are the two schedules of reinforcement that produce the most effective rates of response?

Answer:Continuous and partial. Partial reinforcement schedule can be: fixed-interval, fixed-ratio, variable-interval, or variable-ratio. See the related link below for more details. Answer:Continuous reinforcement is most effective at the start so the subject learns to associate the behavior with the reward. Afterword this is learned a switch to partial reinforcement can be done - more specifically, a variable-ratio schedule produces the strongest response and slowest extinction.