

What is an odd number of factors?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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11y ago

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Perfect squares have an odd number of factors.

If f is a factor of N, then so is N/f. (For example, 3 is a factor of 30, and so is 10). Thus, it seems factors come in pairs, and there should always be an even number of them. But if f = N/f, then these two factors are the same, resulting in an odd number of factors. For example, 3 is a factor of 9, and it's "mate" is also 3.

So for the numbers with an odd number of factors, there is some f where f=N/f. Multiplying both sides by f, we have f^2 = N. So this happens when N is a perfect square.

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if a number has an odd number of factors it would be a perfect square

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Square numbers have an odd number of factors.

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Perfect squares are numbers with an odd number of factors.

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Square numbers have an odd number of factors.

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Squares have an odd number of factors.

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Square numbers have an odd number of factors, but beyond that, any odd number can be a factor.

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An even power. Square numbers have an odd number of factors.