Yes. Square numbers have an odd number of factors. 49 has three factors.
All odd numbers have odd factors.
Because 55 is an odd number. All the factors of odd numbers are odd.
The number of factors can be either even or odd.
No. The opposite is true: the gcf of an odd number and an even number is always odd. All the factors of an odd number are odd; or to put it another way: If a number has an even factor, the number itself must be even. Thus the only common factors between odd and even numbers must be odd.
Square numbers have an odd number of factors.
Square numbers have an odd number of factors.
That's just as meaningless a question as asking "what is the biggest number?" Just as there is no biggest number (you can always get bigger numbers by adding 1), there is no odd number with the most factors. You could multiply any odd number by 3, and get an odd number with another factor of 3.
Yes. Square numbers have an odd number of factors. 49 has three factors.
Yes, quare numbers have an odd number of factors.
if a number has an odd number of factors it would be a perfect square
if a number has an odd number of factors it would be a perfect square
Square numbers have an odd number of factors.
Perfect squares are numbers with an odd number of factors.
Square numbers have an odd number of factors.