

What is an similar in algebra?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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When a answer is almost exact in math but not exact you should always use ~ sing, it means similar to

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Math is taught like this: Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Trigonometry. Algebra I is similar to Algebra 2, but Algebra 2 has more difficult concepts, such as imaginary numbers. Added: I would have put statistics and trig in between Algebra 2 and Pre-calculus. You review trig in precalculus and statistics is the first transferable math course in college.

From which language does the word Algebra originate?

Arabic: Al-Jabira or something similar

How do these mathematicians similar to the algebra you are studying study algebra?

all kinds of things are different like the way we use more numbers and have technology to help us

What is the definition of similar terms in algebra?

Numbers that have the same variable or powers of a variable, such as 2x and 6x.

How did the word algebra get its name?

From an Arab mathematician called Al-jibra, or something very similar!

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Tropical math is a kind of arithmetic and algebra in which addition of two number is their minimum and multiplication is their sum. This has some properties similar to ordinary arithmetic and algebra but other properties are different.

Did gh hardy and Wilhelm weinberg used algebra and probability to model natural selection?

No, the two of them used algebra and probability to model population biology, not natural selection, however similar the two may be.

What is a similar terms in algebra?

Take 3x + 7y - x + 12y as an example. Collecting similar terms gives 3x - x + 7y + 12y ie 2x + 19y. Get it?

What is after pre algebra?

Since "pre-" means before, then pre-algebra would be before algebra. Conversely, algebra would be after pre-algebra. Generally, the next class after a pre-algebra class would be Algebra I, followed by Algebra II.

Why algebra not pointless?

Look at the example problems in any algebra book. Though some of the examples may be a bit far-fetched, many of the examples are similar to problems that scientists and engineers need to solve in the real world.

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Is foundations algebra the same as algebra 1?

foundations algebra is probably pre algebra, which is before algebra, so no.