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$53,040.00 annually.

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Q: What is annual salary for 30 hours per week at 34 dollars per hour?
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What is the annual salary if you make 9 dollars an hour?

$18,720 a year, 40 hours per week.

What is annual income if salary is eighteen dollars per hour?

37400 - assuming you work 40 hours a week

Calculate 40000 dollars per year to dollars per hour?

$19.23 per hour. There are 2080 hours in a regular work year where you work 40 hours per week with 52 weeks. All you have to do is divide your annual salary by 2080 and you get your per hour salary.

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What is the hourly pay for an annual salary of 40000 dollars?

Roughly 20 dollars an hour.

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27 dollars per hour 40 hours per wk what is the annual salary?

$56,160 before taxes or 27*40*52

What is the salary of a surgical technician per hour?

The average annual salary for a surgical technician is 41,356 dollars. Assuming a forty hour work week this equals 19.88 dollars per hour.

What is the annual salary of 57 dollars per hour?

$118,560 annually, full-time.

12 dollars per hour what is your annual salary?

For full time, $24,960 a year.

How much is the annual salary if you make fifteen dollars an hour at 40 weeks?

Well, if you work 40 hours... multiply that by 15. You have your weekly SALARY. $600. Then, multiply $600 by 40 to get your 40 week salary. But, I think you intended to say "fifteen dollars an hour at 40 hours a week," not 15 at 40 weeks. You're smart I hope. Figure it out!