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Q: What is arc gouging?
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The electrode holder used for shielded metal-arc welding may not be used carbon arc welding?

Any electrode holder that will accommodate the size of rod can be used. Twin Carbon Arc Welding requires a specific holder. Air Carbon Arc Gouging requires a special holder that also supplies a stream of air.

Where can a person buy carbons for a vintage twin-carbon arc torch?

Any welding supply carries or can order for you, air arc carbon rods. They are the same that is used for air carbon arc gouging. Carbons are produced in two shapes, flat and round and various sizes. You would want the round ones.

Does price gouging create a deadweight loss?

Yes, price gouging creates a deadweight loss.

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What is the use of gouging?

Gouging is the process of removing unwanted materials.It is done by means of material is locally heated and molten metal is ejected out or blow up.

What is Gouging torch in welding?

There are two types of gouging. First is with oxy-fuel. A special tip is used in the cutting torch that lets you direct the flame almost parallel to the work. A low pressure setting on the oxygen is directed thru the center of the tip. As the preheat flames melt the surface the operater depresses the cutting lever and the oxygen combines with the molten metal and is blown out creating a gouge as you proceed across the metal. The second requires a special torch and electrodes and is called carbon air arc gouging. High amperage settings allow you to establish an arc between the copper coated carbon electrodes and the metal. This melts the metal while a continous flow of high pressure air blows the molten metal out and a gouge is created as you move across the surface. In both instances the slower you move across the metal the deeper the gouge.

What is gouging in welding process?

Gouging is a process where an arc is established between a carbon rod and the metal to be gouged and the metal is melted. A steady flow of air is blown into that molten pool removing the molten metal. Increasing the amperage or slowing down the travel speed allows a deeper gouge. Speeding up the travel speed or decreasing the amperage removes less metal. Copper coated carbon rods are used and are available in different diameters and shapes.

Is gouging a sport?

I would think so maybe but whatever

Price gouging might be the result of?

sudden increase in demand.

What are the consequences of price gouging?

Price gouging prevents poor people that need a good from purchasing it, while encouraging hoarding by wealthy customers who don't actually need what they're buying.

What is the term for selling goods in short supply at inflated prices?

Gouging .