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Q: What is called a number that can add 2 or 3 numbers and have the same sum?
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What is the numbers you add together?

The numbers you add together are called addends. If you add one number to another to form a sum, the number you add on can be called the augend. See the Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics.

When you add two numbers together the answer is called?

When you add two (or any number of) numbers together, the result is called the sum.

Why is order in which numbers are added does not change the result?

because when you add numbers if you move them around then the quantaty of the numbers is still the same making it add up to the same number

What numbers that when you add it or subtract the answer is the same?

'Zero' and any other number.

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If the base numbers or variables are the same, you add the exponents.

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Why do you get an even mumber when you add 2 odd numbers?

it creates an even number cause 2 is an even number so no matter what two same numbers add up it must give you an even number

Mean of a set of number?

Mean is the same as average. To get the mean of a set of numbers: First, you add up all the numbers. Second, you divide by the number of numbers in the set. Total of all the numbers/Number of numbers in the set

What is called the multiplicative identity for whole numbers and why is it called this?

The multiplicative identity is the number 1. Why? Because if you multiply (or divide) a number by 1, it remains the same. eg a x 1 = a In a similar manner, the additive identity is 0. If you add (or subtract) 0 from a number, it remains the same eg a + 0 = a.

How do you add negative numbers to positive numbers?

To add a negative number and a positive number: -- Find the difference of their absolute values (their sizes, ignoring their signs). -- Give it the same sign as whichever of the original two numbers had the larger absolute value.

How do you fing the average?

You add the numbers. Then you divide by the number of numbers (i.e., if you have three numbers, you divide the sum by 3).You add the numbers. Then you divide by the number of numbers (i.e., if you have three numbers, you divide the sum by 3).You add the numbers. Then you divide by the number of numbers (i.e., if you have three numbers, you divide the sum by 3).You add the numbers. Then you divide by the number of numbers (i.e., if you have three numbers, you divide the sum by 3).

What is a positive add a negative?

The sum will have the same sign as the number with the largest magnitude. If the numbers have the same magnitude, then the answer is zero, which is positive.