

What is cents notation?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What is cents notation?
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How do you write seven cents in cents notation?

7c, or in dollar notation $0.07

How do you write 55 cents in decimal notation form?

0.55 dollars or 55 cents

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What is proper banking notation for million dollars?

The proper bank notation for a million dollars is as follows, "One million dollars and zero cents."

How do you write 3 half-dollars in dollars and cents notation?

A half-dollar is $0.50 ( fifty cents); three half-dollars is 3(.50) = $1.50 ( one dollar and fifty cents)

One thousand three hundred and twenty five cents as decimal?

(because a dollar is made up of 100 cents). 1, 325 cents 100 = 13.25 100 1,325 cents​=13.25 Thus, in decimal notation, 1,325 cents equal $13.25

Why do you use the same decimal notation for dollars and cents and for meters and centimeters?

Because both systems are based on the number 100. There are 100 cents to the dollar, and 100 centimetres to the metre.

How do you write 13 quarters in money notation?

Note that a quarter is 25 cents or $0.25. Multiply that value by 13 to obtain $3.25.

Why do you use the same decimal notation for dollars and cents and for metres and centimeters?

In both cases, there are 100 of the little ones in the big one.

How do you write five cents in standard form?

5 cents in standard form =========== your clearly a comedian, why write that? the answer is 5x10^-2 * * * * * No, the correct form is 5 cents of 0.05 major units of currency (Dollar, Euro). 5*10^-2 is scientific notation, not standard form. And the word is you're (abbreviation), not your (possessive)!

How many ways can you make 30 cents?

3 ways. 10 cents+10 cents+10 cents=30 cents 20 cents+10 cents=30 cents 5 cents+5 cents+5 cents+5 cents+5 cents+5 cents=30 cents Hope that helped you