

What is chroloplast function?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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Q: What is chroloplast function?
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it is found in the chrolophyll of the chroloplast and chroloplast is found i the plant cells

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stroma of the chroloplast

What does a plant Chroloplast do?

They involve in photosynthesis.They produce carbohydrates mainly.

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The organelle in which photosynthesis takes place is the?

Chloroplasts :D

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cell wall and chroloplast

What are two structures found in plant cells but not animal cells?

cell wall and chroloplast

What are two structures are found in plant cells but not animal cells?

cell wall and chroloplast

What two structures are found in plant cells but not in animal cells?

cell wall and chroloplast

What is the jelly-like fluid that holds the organelles?

It is chroloplast and the substance that makes it green is chrolophyll. It is sort of like a filling for the cell. It is chroloplast and the substance that makes it green is chrolophyll. It is sort of like a filling for the cell.

What organelle contains a plant cell's thylakoids stroma and grana and chlorophyll?

Chloroplasts are specialized organelles which contain chlorophyll which absorbs energy from sunlight. The process of photosynthesis takes place in thylakoids which are organized in stacks called grana.

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The six functions of language are expressive (to express thoughts and feelings), directive (to give commands or requests), informative (to provide information), phatic (to establish social contact), aesthetic (to create beauty or evoke emotions), and metalinguistic (to discuss language itself).