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99 - 2 = 97

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Q: What is difference of the biggest two digit composite numbers and the smallest prime numbers?
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Find the sum of the smallest and biggest two-digit composite numbers?

Smallest will be 10 Biggest will be 99

What are the biggest composite numbers?

No "largest" composite number exists.

What are the smallest composite numbers?

The smallest composite numbers are 4, 6, 8, 9, and 10. It should be noted that the number 1 is a unit, and is neither prime nor composite. The numbers 2, 3, 5, and 7 are all prime, leaving the remaining numbers as the 5 smallest composites.

What is the difference between 1 and 15?

The difference between two numbers is the biggest minus the smallest, in this case 15-1 = 14

Put these numbers smallest to biggest 8.2 8.19?

Smallest 8.19 Biggest 8.2

What is the biggest number minus the smallest number called?

With two numbers, it's called the difference. With a set of numbers, it's called the range.

What is the smallest composite number that is not divisible by 235 or 7?

4 is the smallest composite number and it is not divisible by the two given numbers.

what are the biggest numbers?

No "largest" composite number exists.

What is the least number of 1 digits of composite?

The least 1 digit number that is composite is 4. It is because all numbers before that are prime.

-1 -11 -8 -2 -9 biggest to smallest negative numbers?

-1 = biggest-11 = smallest

What 3 consecutive composite numbers whose product of 192?

There are no such numbers. The smallest set of three consecutive composite numbers is {8, 9, 10} and the product of these numbers is 720.

What does this range mean?

In math it is the answer of the biggest of the numbers minus the smallest of the numbers. :) ;)