1 and 2 are factors of all even numbers.
The GCF of any two odd numbers is always odd because odd numbers don't have any even factors. The GCF of any two even numbers is always even because even numbers are divisible by two and any common factors would have at least one two in common. The GCF of an even and an odd number is odd because odd numbers don't have any even factors.
Every number except the number 1 has at least two factors, 1 and the number itself. Prime numbers have exactly two factors and composite numbers have more than two factors. All even numbers except the number 2 are composite numbers and have more than two factors. The number 2 is prime and its only factors are 1 and 2.
1 and 2 are common factors to even numbers
No. Odd numbers don't have even factors.
Even numbers.
1 and 2
No. Two numbers are relatively prime if they have no prime factors in common. Two even numbers will have 2 as a prime factor in common.
Both. 9 has three factors. 11 has two factors.
Yes because if it is even then all of it's factors will be even. It is fairly different if it's an odd number. But I will not get into that.
Some even numbers have more factors than some odd numbers and some odd numbers have more factors than some even numbers. As a group, even numbers have more factors than odd numbers.
Some even numbers have more factors than some odd numbers and some odd numbers have more factors than some even numbers. As a group, even numbers have more factors than odd numbers.