It serves as a cavity within an organ or part of an animal or plant.
Seeds are found in the locule
it becomes a peacock....
it becomes a peacock....
It is a small cavity or chamber as the pollen containing cavity within the anther
"Gas locule" is a term used to describe a small cavity or chamber within a material that is filled with gas. These locules can be found in various substances, such as metals, rocks, and biological tissues. The presence of gas locules can affect the physical and mechanical properties of the material.
5 locules. 2 in each locule
Macule, molecule, lenticule, ridicule, spicule, miniscule, reticule, locule, graticule, saccule
A locule in a plant is a compartment within an ovary that contains the ovules. It is where the seeds develop after fertilization. The number of locules in an ovary can vary depending on the plant species.
In an achiote (achuete) ovary, you can typically find 5 locules. A locule is a chamber within an ovary where seeds are produced.
Locule is another term for raspberry drupelets (plural of drupe). Raspberries and blackberries both have multiple locules.
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