

What is greater seven ninths or five sixth?

Updated: 4/12/2022
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8y ago

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5/6 is greater.

And the correct spelling is ninths, not nineths.

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Kelly Johns

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Q: What is greater seven ninths or five sixth?
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Which is greater five sixth or five ninths?

5/6 > 5/9 because 9 > 6

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5/9 = .555 7/8 = .875 Thereby, five ninths is less than seven eighths.

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5/6 is greater.And the correct spelling is ninths, not nineths.

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No, it's not.

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No. 5 ninths is 5 parts out of 9. 000000000 11111 1 half is half of any value. 00000000 1111 No. Five ninths is greater than one half because if you take half of nine then it would be 4 and a half and five is greater then 4 in a half. So that means that five ninths is greater then one half. Hope this helped! No. Five ninths is greater than one half because if you take half of nine then it would be 4 and a half and five is greater then 4 in a half. So that means that five ninths is greater then one half. Hope this helped!

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Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 5/9 - 1/6 = 7/18 or seven eighteenths.