

What is heavier a kilo of lead of wood or of feathers?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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They all would weigh the same amount, 1 Kilogram.

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Q: What is heavier a kilo of lead of wood or of feathers?
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Because centimeters cubed is a unit of volume, not weight. The two might take up the same amount of space, but iron is much more dense and as such weighs more.

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Who wrote this question. The word is spelled incorrectly in this context. It should read, which is heavier wood or steel. Good grief

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It all depends on the wood. Some wood is denser and heavier than others.

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well it depends how much is the wood the more the wood the bigger the price well lets say 13 kilos of wood and u want it to make it into lbs well its 2.2 ounds per kilo so ur answer would be $30.36

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It depends what kind of wood but mostly gold would weigh more.