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Q: What is importance of gyromagnetic ratio?
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What is the significance of gyromagnetic ratio?

Gyromagnetic ratio is essential to some medical technologies like MRIs. This is because the higher it is, the higher the resonance and frequency are, which both affect the image.

What is the significance of the ratio?

Gyromagnetic ratio is essential to some medical technologies like MRIs. This is because the higher it is, the higher the resonance and frequency are, which both affect the image.

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How can selective polarization transfer enhance NMR imaging?

By performing a polarization transfer upon a certain nucleus, you can get specific data that had been blurred before due to factors such as their gyromagnetic ratio or frequency-dependent chemical interactions.

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gearing is where a company analyses its financial expenditure on its operations

Where do you apply ratio n rate in real life?

whether you want to compare something, scale among others things, Ratio is of the utmost importance

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The limitations is a case that is of key importance, and that entails experienced attendance on

Importance of ratio analysis?

ratio analysis is important for the following reasons:it helps companies in deciding whether they have performed well or analyzes various areas of a company and identifies weaknesses which may ensures that companies make important decisions regarding their future.