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inverse square law is the law that states the intensity of the light, sound etc is directly proportional to 1/ distance squared meaning the further you are from the source the less intense the light etc will be. e.g. an object 1m away from a light source 1/1^2=1 , 2m 1/2^2= 1/4 and so forth

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Q: What is inverse square law and an example?
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What does the inverse-square law tell you about the relationship between force and distance?

The inverse-square law applies to gravitational and electrical forces. An inverse-square law tells you:That the force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.That means that if the distance is increased by a factor "n", the force is decreased by a factor "n2".For example, if you increase the distance by a factor of 10, the force will decrease by a factor of 102 = 10 x 10 = 100.

Who discovered inverse square law?

Charles Augustin de Coulomb is credited with the discovery of the inverse square law. It was used by Isaac Newton in his prismatic experiments.

What law states that the brightness of a star vaies inversely as the square of the distance from the stars?

The law is called The Inverse Square Law .

If the law of gravity instead of become inverse square law than?

The details depend on what specific rule you are thinking about. The inverse-square law for gravity and electricity basically follows from the fact that we live in a three-dimensional space. In a four-dimensional space, for example, the law of gravity (as well as electrostatics) would be inverse-cube. With such a law, there could be no stable orbits, for planets, etc. (any small perturbation in a circular orbit would make the planet fall into the Sun, or make it go away without coming back).

What is the inverse square law for electric force?

The law is that the attraction between electric charges is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. Note that the way the force varies with distance is identical to the gravitational force, which also follows an inverse-square law.

What is the significance of the inverse-square law?

Its the earth, wind and the fire

What is the inverse square law of sound?

The inverse square law 1/r2 shows the distance performance for sound intensity, an energy quantity.But your ear drums are moved by the sound pressure vibrations using the inverse distance law 1/r for field quantities.Scroll down to related links and look at "Sound pressure pand the inverse distance law 1/r".Scroll down to related links and look at "Decreasing of Sound Intensity from a Point Source - Inverse square law of sound".

What is the relationship between distance and magnetic attrations?

The inverse square law.

Who invented the ''inverse square law''?

The concept of inverse square law was developed by Isaac Newton in the late 17th century. Newton formulated the law to describe the intensity of gravitational force, stating that the force between two objects is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This concept of inverse square law is also applicable to other physical phenomena, such as light and sound.

Does the inverse square law apply to gravitational and electrical forces?

Yes. Both.

At what point is a spaceship beyond pull of earths gravity?

Earth's gravity gets weaker and weaker at greater distances, but it never disappears completely. To be more precise, there is an inverse-square law: For example, if you increase the distance by a factor of 10, the force will be 100 times less.Earth's gravity gets weaker and weaker at greater distances, but it never disappears completely. To be more precise, there is an inverse-square law: For example, if you increase the distance by a factor of 10, the force will be 100 times less.Earth's gravity gets weaker and weaker at greater distances, but it never disappears completely. To be more precise, there is an inverse-square law: For example, if you increase the distance by a factor of 10, the force will be 100 times less.Earth's gravity gets weaker and weaker at greater distances, but it never disappears completely. To be more precise, there is an inverse-square law: For example, if you increase the distance by a factor of 10, the force will be 100 times less.

How does inverse function work?

Let's illustrate with an example. The square function takes a number as its input, and returns the square of a number. The opposite (inverse) function is the square root (input: any non-negative number; output: the square root). For example, the square of 3 is 9; the square root of 9 is 3. The idea, then, is that if you apply first a function, then its inverse, you get the original number back.