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The general term is trigonometry. What specific formula you use depends on what other information you have.

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Q: What is is the formula called that you can use to work out a side length of a right angle triangle?
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What is the formula to find the length of a right angle triangle?

By using Pythagoras' theorem for a right angle triangle.

How do you find the formula for are of triangle?

the formula for the arc of a triangle is the arc length is equal to the angle times the radius. s=arc length theta=angle made y length of the arc lenth r=radius s=theta times radius

In a right triangle the sine of any angle is?

The longest side of the right angles triangle is called the hypotenuse. Divide the length of the side opposite the chosen angle by the length of the hypotenuse. This is the Sine of the angle.

What triangle has one right angle and two sides the same length?

An isoceles triangle has two angles that are the same length with the third being different. It can be a right angle or another angle. or it's also called a Right Isosceles triangle.

Does a right angle triangle have 90 degree angle?

Yes. That is why it is called a right angle triangle!Yes. That is why it is called a right angle triangle!Yes. That is why it is called a right angle triangle!Yes. That is why it is called a right angle triangle!

What is the formula for a triangle and for speed?

In the case of a triangle, it depends on what the formula is for: the area, an angle, the length of a side, the radius of an inscribing circle or whatever. And in both cases, the answer depends on what information is available.

How can a triangle be classified in two ways?

You can classify a triangle by its sides, or by its angles.To classify a triangle by its sides:1- A triangle with three sides that are equal in length is called an equilateral triangle.2- A triangle with two sides of the same length and one different is called an isosceles triangle. 3- A triangle with no sides of equal length is called a scalene triangle. To classify a triangle by its angles: 1- A triangle with three angles that are greater than 0 and less than 90 degrees is called an acute triangle.2- A triangle with one angle that is 90 degrees exactly is called a right angle triangle.3- A triangle with one angle that is greater than 90 degrees is called an obtuse triangle.

When one angle in a triangle is right angle it is called as?

A right angle triangle

How can you calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle?

By using the formula a2+b2=c2, where a is one side of the right-angled triangle and b is the other side of the right angle triangle. C stands for the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle. Note: this formula only works for RIGHT-ANGLED TRIANGLES!!!

What is the measure of the third side of a triangle?

This will depend upon the type of triangle. For an equilateral, all sides will be the same length. For a right angle triangle, the formula a2 + b2 = c2 is used.

Is it true the sine ratio relates the length of the leg the angle that is in question to the length of the hypotenuse?

Yes... opposite an angle of a right triangle to the length of the triangle's hypotenuse.

What is the proof that equilateral triangle is also called equiangular triangle?

Equilateral means 'same length' - Therefore if the length of each side in a triangle are the same, each angle MUST also be the same.