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Q: What is it called when all the faces of a 3d shape are paraollellograms?
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How many shape of faces are there in a cube?

The faces of a cube are all the same shape - a square.

What is a 3d shape with 12 faces called?

A dodecahedron (literally, "12 face solid").The "regular dodecahedron" has 12 identical faces, all regular pentagons ("5 sided flat shape").But there are many, many other 3d shapes with 12 faces, including the rhombic dodecahedron which has 12 identical faces, all 4 sided parallelograms.what shape has 12 faces?

What 3d shape has 4 faces with all faces the same shape?

A regular tetrahedron (triangular pyramid).

What shape has 6 faces and all faces are congruent?

A Cuba has 6 congruent faces

What is the 3D term for a rhombus?

A 3-d shape, all of whose faces are rhombi, is called a parallelepiped.

All faces are the same shape and it has four faces i am a 3d shape what am I?

3d shape Well actually it is a Cube

Which solid shape has 6 faces all the same size?


What shape has 4 faces that are all the same shape?

a triangular pyramid.

What shape has flat faces 8 vertices all square faces?

A cube.

What shape has 6 faces and 12 edges but not all congruent?

A parellelepiped (pronounced parellel pie ped) is any shape with 6 faces and 12 edges. A cuboid, also called a rectangular parallelepiped, is a parallelepiped of which all faces are rectangular. A cube is a cuboid with square faces. A rhombohedron is a parallelepiped with all rhombic faces. A trigonal trapezohedron is a rhombohedron with congruent rhombic faces.

What is a 3D shape with all triangles?

A 3D shape with all triangular faces can be a tetrahedron pyramid.

What 3D shape has six faces and all the faces are congruent?

A cube satisfies that description.