The cast of Her Ironical Me - 2009 includes: Noriko Hasumi
It could mean '(very) well done' ie congratulations or it could be ironical - it serves you right, so it depends on the context.
suspicious, unbelieving, cynical, mocking, scornful, wry
sardonic (can be taken as extreme sarcasm at times), cynical, ironical.
1. containing or exemplifying irony: an ironic novel; an ironic remark. 2. ironical. 3. coincidental; unexpected: It was ironic that I was seated next to my ex-husband at the dinner.
Euroidiots is an ironical nickname of the Bulgarian football team CSKA(Sofia) or as they are better known The Pigs. If you want to know why the received this ironical nickname, just watch the next video.
Particle, kind of. carbuncle, monocle, conical, ironical Admittedly, none of these are great.
Yes - especially bad to herself. She seems to have hated herself - ironical, when so many were in love with her.