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Q: What is meant by the avagadro number?
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What is meant by avagodrao number?

Avagadro Number : (6.0221415 ± 0.0000010) × 1023N A specifies the exact number of atoms in a 12 g specimen of carbon-12

Can a mole represent a molecule?

A mole represents a set number of molecules, not just 1 molecule. There are avagadro's number of molecules in a mole. Avagadro's number: 6.022x10^23

The name that tells the number of molecules?

it is Avagadro's no

What is the value of Avagadro's number?

6.022 x 1023

How can you calculate no of moles from no of atoms?

You divide the number of atoms by avagadro's number. Avagadro's number is 6.022x10^23 atoms/molecules / mole. The best way to remember this is by the units, atoms in each mole.

How is Avogadro's number represented?

Avagadro's number is represented by the symbols L or NA

What is the mass of an atom of?

It is its molecular weight divided by avagadro's number.

The number of particles in a mole is a constant?

Yes - it is Avagadro's number/constant

How big is avagadro's number?

It is approx 6.022 * 1023 per mole.

What does Avagadro have to do with moles?

Avagadro was the scientist who determined the number of molecules that make up a basic unit in chemistry called the "mole". Moles are a certain number of basic units of a substance - 6.02 x 1023

What is the name given to the number of particles in a mole?

The name given to the number of particles in a mole is Avagadro's number/constant

A mole is a what of atoms?

A mole is an Avagadro number of atoms - 6.022 x 10-19