For a rectangle, this would be the multiplication of the two different length sides.
Square miles is a measurement of area. Diameter requires a distance measurement, not an area measurement.
No , perimeter is the measurement outside of the shape; the border. Area is the measurement of inside of the shape.
Square measurement
It must be a perimeter. An area measurement would a square measurement like 56cm². ■
Hectare - a land area measurement of about 2.5 acres.
what kind of measurement to use when finding the area of a 2d shape
Hectare - a land area measurement of about 2.5 acres.
The measure of area is Lebesgue measure on the plane.
Length squared
Area is the measurement of the two-dimensional size of an object, and volume is the measurement of the size of an object in three dimensions.
The foot is a linear measurement. You cannot convert a linear measurement to an area measurement.