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-16 - 8 = -24

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Q: What is negative 16 minus positive 8 equal?
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Does a negative subtracted from a negative equals in a negative in algebra?

It can. Negative 2 minus negative 1 = negative 1. However, it sometimes might be positive. Negative 5 minus negative 16 = positive 11. If you have two equal negative variables, such as -a - -a, you will get -2a. -2a may still be positive though, if a is a negative number. An example of having two unequal negative numbers is -a - -b, which is -a + b. That may be positive or negative depending on what a and b are equal to.

What does sixteen minus negative four equal?

16 minus -4 is 20.

What does 18 minus negative 16 equal?

18-(-16) = 34

A negative 16 minus a positive 8 equals what?

-16 - 8 = -24

What is negative 12 minus positive 4?

-12 - 4 = -16

What is positive 10 minus negative 6?

It is: 10--6 = 16 because --6 is +6

Is -16 less than 16?

es, of course. -(minus)16 is negative while 16 is positive. so minus -16 is 32 less than 16.

What is positive 16 minus negative 3?

When you subtract a negative number, it has the same effect as adding a positive number. Therefore, in this instance, 16 - (-3) = 16 + 3 = 19.

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What is negative 4 times negative 4 equal?

Positive sixteen (+16)

A negative minus a positive equal?

well it depends what positive is being misused by the negative lets say it was, Example:-3 - +3 then that would equal 0 because when you minusing or plussing a negative with a positive the terms are backwards

What is equal to the square root of -16?

Positive or negative 4i