

What is negative 5 plus positive six equal?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is negative 5 plus positive six equal?
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No. A negative plus a negative never equal a positive. That property only works in multiplication and division. When you add a negative basically what your doing is subtracting the opposite of the number. For Example; 2+ (-6) = ? what you would do in this case is just subtract positive six from positive two witch would be negative 4, so the answer to that problem would be -4. Heres another example with two negatives; -3 + (-3) = ? What you would do in this case is just add positive 3 plus 3 which would be 6, but since its a negative number it would be -6 because you are going backwards on the number line (in this case starting at -3 and moving back 3 spaces) when you subtract negative numbers.

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The same as positive six divided by positive eight.