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Q: What is negative three multiplied by negative one divided by three?
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What is negative three times one?

Any number multiplied by one is itself. Therefore, negative three times one is negative three.

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When should an inequality sign be reversed?

When one side of the inequality is divided or multiplied by a negative number.

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Three and one seventh divided by negative three and two thirds equates to -6/7 in simplest terms.

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Anything divided by itself is 1.

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4 + -5/2 - 5 = -7/2 = -3 and 1/2

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One half divided by negative three eighths?

Negative four thirds. ( -4/3 )

Why does the cube root of a positive integer only have one solution?

Because negative numbers multiplied by themselves three times will be negative.

What does a positive divided by a negative equal and why?

A negative. Lets say we have 6 you divide it by -6 you get -1. because negatives don't like being multiplied and divided by positives so the negative beats the other one up >.< but its different in Adding/Subtracting.