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Q: What is negative two divided by three to the third power multiply by three divided by four to the third power?
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What is the derivative of 1 divided by x to the third power?

1 divided by x to the third power equals x to the negative third. The derivative of x to the negative third is minus three x to the negative fourth.

What is 10 to the negative 9th power divided by 10 to the third power?

10 to the negative 12 power

What is 10 to the third power divided by 10 to the negative third power?


What is 8 times 10 to the negative third power divided by 5 times 10 to the negative 5 power?

It is: (8*10^-3) divided by (5*10^-5) = 160

What is one third divided by negative 15?

Negative 15 divided by negative one third = 45/1 or 45

How do you do six times ten to the negative power?

To calculate six times ten to the negative power, multiply 6 by the value of ten raised to the negative power. For example, if the power is -3, it would be 6 times 10 to the negative third power, which equals 0.006.

What is 5 the negative third power?

Five to the negative third power = 0.008

What is 0.75 to the negative third power?

0.75 to the negative third power is -0.421875

What is 2.0x10 to the negative third power?

To multiply by 10 to a negative power just move the decimal point that number of spaces to the left: 2.0 x 10 to the minus 3 = 0.002

3 to the negative third power?

3 to the negative third power = 0.037 (repeating).

Why is negative 4 to the third power?

Negative 4 to the third power equals -64

What is negative 12 divided by one third?

To divide by a fraction, multiply by its reciprocal. In this instance, -12 / 1/3 = -12 x 3 = -36