In division, a number divided by another number is a dividend. dividend / divisor = quotient
true.... a number can be divided by another number without a remainder.
Any number divided by another number is called a dividend. If the number is divided by the other number without a remainder, the dividend is a multiple of the divisor.
Divisor-A divisor is a number divided by another number.Ex: 6 divided by 3=2Dividend- A dividend is the number that another number is being divided by.Ex: 8 divided by 2=4
The capacity of one numberto be exactly divided by another number is called?????
A number that is divided by another number is called the dividend. In a division operation, the dividend is the number that is being divided. The result of the division is called the quotient, while the number by which the dividend is divided is called the divisor.
Dividend divided by divisor equals quotient.
a number that can be divided and leave no remainder.
The dividend.
The Answer: The dividend