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A triplet.

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Q: What is one of 3 identical objects?
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Object identity versus object equivalence?

In computer programming, an "object" is a unit of data, that is generally stored in memory. Two objects are generally considered to be identical if they are actually represented by the same bits in memory, and changing the one will change the other. Objects are merely equivalent, if they compare equal with the equality function and can be used indistinguishably until changed. For example, if x = 3 and y = 3, then x and y are equivalent but not identical.

If you drop two objects of the same weight which will land first?

If you drop two objects in a tube that has no air in it, they'll both land at the same time, and it doesn't matter what they weigh.

What would happen if you rubbed two identical objects together?


What two things have the the same mass?

Any 2 identical objects.

What is symmetrical balance?

When 2 identical objects are placed on either side of the axis.

Do heavy objects have a larger mass than lighter ones?

Yes, if the objects are side by side or at least in identical gravitational fields.

Can mass measure differently in two identical objects?

If the two objects are the same size and made of exactly the same amount of the exact same stuff then no.

Two objects are when they have the same size and shape?

"Identical" when talking to people, and "Congruent" in your math work.