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If 2 angles add up to 180 degrees, they're called supplementary angles and one of the pair is said to be the supplementary angle for the other.

Similarly, for 90 degrees, the term used is complementary.

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Q: What is one of a pair of angle that add up to 180 degrees?
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A pair of supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees. Therefore, the supplement of a 63 degree angle is an angle of 180 - 63 = 117 degrees.

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A pair of supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees. Therefore, the supplement of any angle x is equal to 180 - x degrees. For example, the supplement of a 130 degree angle is equal to 180 - 130 = 50 degrees.

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A pair of supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees. Therefore, the supplement to a 63 degree angle is equal to 180 - 63 = 117 degrees.

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