A single location in space. Points have zero area, zero volume, zero hyper-volume, zero anything. It simply denotes a location, in a similar way that a point on a map denotes another location. A point has dimension 0.
Decimal point.
In mathematics, an accumulation point is a point such that every neighbourhood of the point contains at least one point in a given set other than the given point.
James wanted to do mathematics at one point in time.
Assorted mathematics degrees can be found and completed online. You need only go to this website http://www.degrees-online.com/Technology/Mathematics/ and look for a course you are interested in at which point you will be given more information
A vertex, in Mathematics, is the meeting point of two lines that form an angle. In other use it is the highest point, or the top, of anything.
James wanted to do mathematics at one point in time.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but yes.
A line, or more generally, a curve.
For most people, they are the starting point of their journey into the world of numbers, and mathematics.
Because seventy two is 72.0 whereas point seven two is 0.72
The term neighbourhood is used in topology. If you take a point then the neighbourhood is the set that contains the point where you can move that point some distance without leaving the set.
In mathematics, a zero-dimensional topological space is a topological space that ... any point in the space is contained in exactly one open set of this refinement.