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The trigonometric functions: sine, cosine, tan as well as their reciprocals are periodic so that their value repeats every 2Ï€ radians. As a result, the inverse operations are functions only over restricted domains, as follows.

Sine : −π/2 ≤ y ≤ π/2

Cosine: 0 ≤ y ≤ π

Tangent: −π/2 < y < π/2

The principal value is the angle that lies within the relevant range. All other solutions are non-principal.

Similarly, the principal square root of a positive real number is the positive square root. The negative root is not the principal root.

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Mario Edward Tarallo has written: 'The value of plane trigonometry in navigation'

How do you find the value of x in trigonometry?

The answer depends on what x is meant to represent. Without that information, the question is a waste of time.

What is the definition of plane trigonometry?

Plane trigonometry is trigonometry carried out in (on) a plane. This could be contrasted with spherical trigonometry, which is trigonometry carried out on the surface of a sphere. Certainly there are some other more complex forms of trig.

How is trigonometry applied?

Trigonometry is applied in construction and building, as trigonometry measures right angled triangles.