The main kinds are plane trigonometry and solid trigonometry. The latter will include trigonometry in hyper-spaces.
adjacent opposite hypotenuse
Right, acute, and obtuse...
There are more than two but the two most common ones are plane trig and spherical trig.
Many kinds of engineers, navigator, surveyor, architect, air traffic controller, cartographer and many more.
plane trigonometry spherical trigonometry
distance and angle
adjacent opposite hypotenuse
Right, acute, and obtuse...
The wording of the question implies that you already have some kinds of trigonometry in mind and wish to know about others. However, you have not communicated which ones you do know about and we cannot guess that. As a result, we would not know whether our answer gives the kinds of trigonometry that you are already aware of or new ones. Consequently, it is not possible to answer the question with the amount of information it contains.
Two types of trigonometry are recognized: planar and spherical. Planar is 2-dimensional, while spherical is 3-dimensional. Though these are different fields, spherical trigonometry is really just an application of planar trigonometry in several planes.
one-to-oneone-to-manymany-to-onemany-to-manyI hope it helps :D LLe Jiks
There are more than two but the two most common ones are plane trig and spherical trig.
Many kinds of engineers, navigator, surveyor, architect, air traffic controller, cartographer and many more.
plane trigonometry spherical trigonometry
It is a number - in trigonometry or elsewhere.
Hipparchus is the father of trigonometry.