

What is quantative data?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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12y ago

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The main difference between qualititative and quantitative data is the numeric information. In quliatative data we only rely on information from the field which is not numeric and the quantitative data contains numerica data. That's why quantitative data is also know as mathematic dats.

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Q: What is quantative data?
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What is the difference between quantative and qualative data?

Quantitative data deals with numbers and data that are measurable. Qualitative data, meanwhile, deals with descriptions and data that are observable but not measurable.

What are the differences of quantitative and qualitative data with examples of each?

Qualitative means what is it while quantative means how much is there. Some examples of qualitative data might be whether a solution is of copper or iron or if a compound is formed with nitrate or carbonate. Quantative data could be the concentration of a solution or the mass present in a sample.

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Due to the economic meltdown the Government engaged in quantative easing.

According to incentive pay what are quantitative measures?

Quantative means "can be expressed as a number" so a quantative measure is any measure that can be counted objectively. "Doing a good job" is not a quantative measure. "Waiting on 37 customers per hour" is a quantative measure.

What is quantative research?

Quantitative research is empirical research that uses statistics, numerical data, and mathematics. It is used to answer problems that are not case specific and have a broader reach.

Case study is it a qualitative study?

Case study is not a qualitative study - it is a research strategy which use qualitative and quantative data as well. You select a data sources if it provides good arguments. Knud r.

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it is quantative

What does quantative?

percentage of element existed in component

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What are the two main types of data a scientist collect?

Data will be either qualitative (non numerical description) or quantative (numerical values assigned to a property). To give you an example, a meterologist may describe the sky on a particular day as cloudy (qualitative) with a 5 mile per hour wind (quantative). Studies can be classified as experimental studies or observational studies. The experimental study means that the scientist is able to treat or alter in some way the population. Medical studies of drugs frequently conduct experimental studies and collect experimental data. Observational studies, we collect data without altering the population. A good example is astronomical studies, where it is impossible to alter the population. Scientific studies need to be thorough investigations relying on good data and sufficient quantity of data in order to reach conclusions.

What does quantative mean?

quantitative mean amount of any thing in number.