To retaliate means to hit back. If someone deliberately did something bad to you, you retaliated if you got your own back.
After decades of tyrannical rule, the peasants retaliated by burning the palace to the ground. After Joe short-sheeted my bed, I retaliated by leaving ants in his underwear drawer. After my sister wore my favorite shirt without asking me, I retaliated by "borrowing" her mascara and lip gloss.
He retaliated to terrorism in Chechnya
Sinking half the Iranian navy
America retaliated and dropped 3 bombs, I think it was three. And entered the war.
Section 1910
Section 1910
North Viet Navy attacked the US Navy in the Tonking Gulf in '64. The US retaliated.
It depends on what war/battle you are talking about. Britain did defeat France a couple times, but France retaliated.
Section 1910