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Q: What is smaller than Planck length?
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Is anything smaller than a planck length?

a pico second

Have you seen anything smaller than a yocto meter?

I saw a planck length once. But I don't like to boast about it.

How big is a plank length?

Planck lenght is equal to 1.616252×10−35 meters. 1020 times smaller than the diameter of a proton.

What is planck lenghth?

It is the smallest length scientists have discovered. Anything smaller makes "no physical sense"

The smallest unit to measure length is?

The smallest unit is the Planck Length. Theoretically, it is not that there can be nothing smaller, but for various reasons that have nothing to do with the limits of technology there is nothing that can be known about anything that happens to be smaller. For scale, the number of Planck Lengths in the diameter of a proton is 10 to the twentieth power.

What is below to planck length?

Many arxiv papers state that the Planck length is the smallest argue convincingly that lengths below the Planck length cannot be measured.

What is a smaller unit than a plank?

The "Planck units" are generally the smallest units used - except for the Planck unit for mass, which is fairly large.

How fast is Planck time?

Planck length and Planck time Planck time is the time it would take a photon moving at the speed of light in a vacuum to cross a distance equal to the Planck length. The Planck length is 1.616252 × 10−35 meters, and the Planck time is 5.39121 × 10−44 seconds. Links are provided to the relevant Wikipedia articles.

What is the planck distance?

The Planck distance, or Planck length, is 1.6 x 10^-35 meters.

What is the shortest thing on earth?

An atom. __________ Not an atom; not by a long shot. If units of length count, then the winner would be the Planck Length, defined at 1.616252 X (10 to the power -35) meters, smaller than any known elementary particle.

Why is the Planck Length the smallest possible length?

Within our present understanding of our Universe, distance separations smaller than the Planck Length have no meaning. At these distances, the fabric of space itself begins to "tear," in the same way that a flat piece of paper would tear if you tried to fold it in half fifty times. It must be added that all discussions of what "really" happens at the Planck Length are purely theoretical. Nobody has even conceived of a way to experimentally measure the effects of distances that small. It may turn out that we simply need better mathematics to understand the "reality."

How many Planck lengths are there in a millimeter?

In physics, the Planck length, denoted ℓP, is a unit of length, equal to 1.616199(97)×10−35 meters.