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Q: How many planck times are there in one second?
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How many Planck times are in a second?

There are approximately 1.855 x 10^43 Planck times in one second. The Planck time is the smallest measurable unit of time, equal to about 5.39 x 10^-44 seconds.

How many Planck time are in a yottasecond?

There are approximately 5.39 x 10^43 Planck times in a yottasecond. Planck time is the shortest possible unit of time, and a yottasecond is one trillion trillion seconds.

How many times does a wood pecker hit wood in one second?

between 15 and 20 times a second.

What is shorter a microsecond or a nanosecond?

An attosecond is one quintillionth (10 to the power of minus 18) of a second. As of 2006, the smallest unit of time that was directly measured was on the order of 1 attosecond (10−18 s), or about 1026 Planck times. In physics, the Planck time, (tP), is the unit of time in the system of natural units known as Planck units. It is the time required for light to travel, in a vacuum, a distance of 1 Planck length. The unit is named after Max Planck, who was the first to propose it.

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What is smaller than picosecond?

a femto second is 1000 times smaller 10-15 an atto second is 1000000 times smaller 10-18 According to current thinking, one Planck time = 5.39 * 10-44 seconds is the smallest unit of time that it will ever be possible to measure.

How many times greater is one minute then one second?

One minute is 60 times greater than one second

How many Nobel Prizes did Max Planck win?

Max Planck won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918 for his contribution to quantum theory.

If one length is how many lengths?

There are a quarter million Planck lengths in a neutrino.

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How many times the heart beat for a second How many times the heart beat for a second

How many times does a mocking bird beat its wings per a second?

5 times in one second cool right?

How many strikes of lightning are there in one second?

Lightning strikes about 100 times per second.