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Q: What is something that is about the width of a paperclip?
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What measurement would you use for the width of a paperclip?


What is the width of a paperclip?

There are different sizes: commonly around 7 mm.

What is the width of small paper clip?

My small paperclip measures 1/4" total width.

Can you measure a paperclip with kilometers?

You could measure the length or width of it but you would have a decimal. You should be using centimeters.

Why cant you use a ruler to find the volume of a paperclip?

A ruler is used to measure length and does not account for the height or width of an object, which are necessary to calculate its volume. To find the volume of a paperclip, you need to measure its dimensions in three dimensions using a tool such as a caliper or by using a water displacement method.

What is something you Use this to hold papers?

A paperclip is commonly used to hold papers together. It is a small, bent piece of wire that can securely attach and organize documents.

How is the width and length different?

width is kind of like how wide something is and length is how long something is _______________________________________________________ this is width and length is standing

What is something small?

a ping-pong ball,a golf ball,a paperclip and much more!

What does a magnet do to a paperclip?

A paperclip attracts a magnet ,a magnet attracts a paperclip.

What does width mean?

width means how wide something is

Is a papeclip a conductor or insulator?

If something is a conductor or an insulator depends on the material, not its function. A metal paperclip will be a conductor, since metals are conductors. A plastic paperclip will be an insulator, since plastics generally are insulators.

Something that has no length and no width in geometry?

A point has no length or width.