You could measure the length or width of it but you would have a decimal. You should be using centimeters.
Kilometers is a measure of distance, not weight.
moto ways
you can measure roads, city boundarys, and other things
you would measure a wall in meters
You would typically use grams or milligrams to measure the weight of a paperclip because they are very light objects.
I used millimeters (mm) as the standard unit of length to measure the paperclip.
No, a paperclip typically weighs less than a gram, not 3 kilograms.
A ruler is used to measure length and does not account for the height or width of an object, which are necessary to calculate its volume. To find the volume of a paperclip, you need to measure its dimensions in three dimensions using a tool such as a caliper or by using a water displacement method.
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A small scale or a balance would be suitable for weighing a paperclip. You should make sure to use a scale that can measure in grams or milligrams for accurate results.
kilometers measure distance and Liters measure liquid.
Kilometers can't be converted with pounds. Kilometers measure length, while pounds measure mass.
Impossible. Kilometers measure length. hectares measure area.
A magnet can attract a paperclip by creating a magnetic field that pulls the iron-based metal of the paperclip towards it. This attraction is known as magnetic force, and it causes the paperclip to stick to the magnet.