

What is special about the opposite angles in a rhombus?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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They are equal acute and equal obtuse angles

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Q: What is special about the opposite angles in a rhombus?
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Related questions

How many opposite angles does a rhombus have?

A rhombus has 4 interior angles and opposite angles are equal

What is a parallelogram in which all sides are equal length and opposite angles are equal?

A rhombus. A square is a special case of a rhombus.

Are opposite angles of a rhombus congruent?

NOImproved Answer:-Yes a rhombus has equal opposite acute angles and equal opposite obtuse angles

What has four equal sides and opposite angles that are equal?

A rhombus, of which the square is a special case.

Does all angle of a rhombus equal?

A rhombus is a special case of a parallelogram, where all sides are equal length. A rhombus and a parallelogram have the opposite vertices are equal angles, but adjacent angles are not necessarily equal.

How many angles can a rhombus have?

A rhombus has four equal sides, but it is not necessarily a square. Think of it as a square that can be stretched. Thus, it will have four angles and opposite angles will be the equal. A special case of a rhombus is a square and then, all four angles will be equal 90 degrees.

What are the features of a rhombus?

A rhombus has several features. its diagonals will bisect its opposite angles, and the opposite angles will measure equally.

What are the characteristics of a rhombus?

#1 A rhombus is a quadrilateral. #2 A rhombuses opposite sides are parallel #3 Its opposite angles are congruent. #4 Its diagonals are perpendicular bisectors of each other A rhombus is a special case of a parallelogram in that all four sides are equal in length, not just the opposite sides. A square is a special case of a rhombus in that all the angles are equal (at 90°).

Can you draw a rhombus and a square that are congruent?

Yes. A rhombus is a "squashed" square in that every side is equal in length but only opposite angles are equal. The square is a special case of a rhombus where not only are opposite angles equal, but all 4 angles are equal. All squares are rhombuses but not all rhombuses are squares.

What angles do rhombus' have?

A rhombus has a pair of opposite equal acute angles and a pair of opposite equal obtuse angles and the four angles add up to 360 degrees.

Does a rhombus have acute and obtuse angles?

In general a rhombus has one opposite pair of congruent acute angles and one opposite pair of congruent obtuse angles. A square, however, is a rhombus with four right angles.

Does a rhombus have opposite congruent angles?
