In any number pair where one of the numbers is a multiple of the other, that number is the LCM.
No. You can only find the LCM of at least two numbers, prime or otherwise. The LCM of any two prime numbers is their product.
What is the LCM of 1 and any other number greater than 1 ?
If the GCF of two numbers is 1, their LCM will be their product. Such numbers are called relatively prime, or co-prime. Any two prime numbers (like 3 and 5) will be that way, but the numbers don't have to be prime (like 4 and 9).
This would be easier with the other number. The LCM of 4 and any odd number is their product. The LCM of 4 and any even number is either the other number or half the other number depending on whether it is a multiple of 4 or not.
13 is a prime number and thus the the LCM of 13 and any number is 13 times that number. The LCM is: 234
By knowing that any time one number is a multiple of the other, that number is the LCM. The LCM is 12.
The LCM of two and any other positive even number is the other positive even number.
Prime factorization is the result of expressing a number as the product of its prime factors. It will assist you in finding the GCF and LCM of any given number set.
Any prime number is relatively prime to any other prime number.
You cannot have a co-prime number. There must be two or more number that are co-prime. Therefore, as given, the question makes no sense. A correct interpretation is: "Is the LCM of a set of co-prime numbers the product of the numbers themselves?" The answer to that question is: NO.For example, the numbers {6, 10, 15} are co-prime since there is no integer (other than 1) which will divide all three. Their LCM is 30 whereas their product is 900.The product is the square of the LCM is because the selected numbers are semi-primes. In general, that does not happen for sets of co-prime numbers.
To choose a number that is relatively prime to any other number, you need to select a number that has no common factors (other than 1) with those other numbers. One way to ensure this is to choose a prime number. Prime numbers only have two factors: 1 and itself, making them relatively prime to any other number.