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Q: What is the 13 letter word that means these lines intersect at right angles?
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Are right angles the same as parallel?

No, right angles are the same as perpendicular. A right angle means that 2 lines intersect at 90 degrees which makes them perpendicular. Two lines that are parallel do not intersect at all.

What does intersect each at right angles mean?

If two lines intersect each other at right angles, that means that the measure of each angle between the two lines is 90o. Another way of stating this is to say that two lines are perpendicular.

What means perpendicular?

Perpendicular lines intersect each other at right angles which is 90 degrees.

Do perpendicular lines form acute or obtuse angles?

NO!!! The word 'perpendicular' means that the lines intersect at 90 degrees (right anhles).

Do perpendicular lines intersect at acute angles?

They can but don't have to as long as they are intersecting it doesn't matter whatt type of angles they form. * * * * * NO! The fact that they are perpendicular means that they intersect at right angles. Not an acute angle, not an obtuse angle but a right angle. That is what perpendicular is.

What is a vertical angle-?

Whenever two lines intersect, vertical angles refers to the angles opposite each other

Why electric lines of force intersect equipotential surface at right angles?

As we know equipotential surface means there is no potential difference that is no work is done on lines of force must intersect surface at right angles to satisfy this statement,so that net work is zero.

Angles across from each other that are always equal?

Vertical angles. These are two angles who, together, form two pairs of opposite rays. This means that these two angles form two lines that intersect. These angles have to be equal.

Perpendicular lines are intersecting lines?

Form right angles

What are skew lines?

skew lines are noncoplanar lines, which means they aren't parallel and they also don't intersect skew lines do not intersect and are not coplanar

Are all angles of a parallelogram congruent?

All angles of a parallelogram are not necessarily congruent. A parallelogram means that the opposite sides run in straight lines that don't intersect. An example is a rectangle or square. Length of sides DO NOT determine if opposite angles are congruent. As long as opposite sides do not intersect each other at any point (if you continue to draw the lines), then the angles diagonal from each other are the same.

What is parallel lines that intersect?

It is impossible for parallel lines to intersect because parallel means lines that run alongside each other without intersecting.