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At the start of fiscal period every organisation prepares budgets for the coming period and then use the same estimated budget at the end of fiscal year to evaluate the performence in the fiscal year.

When actuall amount for any activity is utilized less then the budgeted amount estimated for the same activity at the start of the fiscal year and perform the same activity accurately as estimated at start of period with less amount then it is called favourable variance and vice versa.

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Q: What is the Difference between favourable and adverse variance?
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What difference between a favorable variance and an unfavorable variance?

Favourable variance is that variance which is good for business while unfavourable variance is bad for business

What is favourable variance?

A favorable variance is the difference between the budgeted or standard cost and the actual cost. If the actual cost is less than budgeted or standard cost, it is a favorable variance.

What is favourable?

A favorable variance is the difference between the budgeted or standard cost and the actual cost. If the actual cost is less than budgeted or standard cost, it is a favorable variance.

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It means the difference between the budgeted or estimated direct labour cost at the start of work activity with the actual direct labour cost at the end of activity or fiscal year. If budgeted cost is more then the actuall then it is favourable variance otherwise it is unfavourable direct labour cost variance

What is a budget variance?

A budget "variance" is the difference between planned and actual performance.

What is budget variance?

A budget "variance" is the difference between planned and actual performance.

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Difference between actual amount and budgeted amount is called "Variance" and variance analysis is done to find out the reasons for variance

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The difference between variance and standard deviation?

The SD is the (positive) square root of the variance.

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