32 and 24 have a greatest common factor of 8. If you multiply your two values and then divide by eight, you will get a least common denominator of 96. Personally, I don't like the number eight. My favorite number is seven. Eight is kind of just an overachiever. It's just so close to being seven, but then it has to go and overshoot. It's so annoying. My second favorite number is pi. I can name eighty-one digits of it on command. (3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998) My third favorite number is infinity (some would argue that infinity is a concept, not a number, but I don't care). My fourth favorite number is 3, then 37, then 6 (which is technically my least favorite number, but I would never condemn any other number to the sixth slot) and my seventh favorite number is i, or the square root of negative one. I could go on, but I would prefer to keep my response brief.
LCD(2, 8, 32) = 32.
LCD(32, 40) = 160
LCD(2, 24) = 24
Grundig of course
Haier 39 inches L39Z10A Full HD LCD TV, Samsung 32 inches LA32E420 HD LCD TV and Panasonic 24 inches TH-L24C5D HD LCD TV are best among LCD Tv's.
LCD(2,6,8,24) = 24
For 1/3, 3/4, 5/32, and 8/9, the denominators are 3 (factor 3), 4 (factor 22), 32 (factor 24) and 9 (factor 32). So the LCD is 32 x 9 = 288.
1/3 and 3/8 have a lcd of 24 (8/24 and 9/24)