To have either an LCM (Least Common Multiple) or GCF (Greatest Common Factor), you must have two or more numbers.
They are: gcf = 15 and LCM = 30
The GCF is 10. The LCM is 30.
For 30 and 74 the GCF is 2 and the LCM is 1,110
2 and 30, respectively.
The GCF is 5. The LCM is 150.
Lcm: 150 gcf: 15
The LCM is 270. The GCF is 3.
LCM is 120, GCF is 6
Gcf:6 lcm:60
The GCF is 6. The LCM is 360.
The numbers 2 and 30 have a GCF of 2 and an LCM of 30.
GCF = 10... LCM = 60 !