The LCM is 78.
The LCM of 13 and 78 is 78.
The LCM is 6942.
The LCM of 78 and 96 is 1248.
LCM(-1115, -78) = 86970.
The LCM is of 78 and 10 is : 390
The LCM is 156.
The LCM is 2340.
LCM(78, 110) = 4290.
LCM of 6 and 26 is 78.
LCM(78, 4) = 156.
312 To find LCM, express numbers in the prime composition in power form and use the highest power of each prime across all the numbers: 78 = 2 x 3 x 13 104 = 23 x 13 => LCM = 23 x 3 x 13 = 312