lcm(72, 96, 192) = 576
72 = 23 x 32
96 = 25 x 3
192 = 26 x 3
lcm = 26 x 32 = 576
The LCM is 576.
It is 192
LCM of 72 144 and 192 is 576.
The least common multiple (LCM) of 72, 144, and 192 is 576.
The LCM of the given three numbers is 192
LCM is 576
GCF(72, 96) = 24 LCM(72, 96) = 288.
The LCM of 72, 144 and 192 is 576.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 72 96 300 is 7,200.
The LCM is: 288