The absolute value of negative 12 is 12.
Absolute value means how far the number is from 0
It may help to draw a number line
The absolute value of negative 12 is 12. Absolute value means how far the number is from 0 It may help to draw a number line
The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on the number line, regardless of its sign. In this case, the absolute value of 12 is simply 12, as 12 units away from zero in the positive direction.
Absolute value of -12 is 12.
Absolute values are never negative. The opposite, or negative, or additive inverse, of a negative number is the number's absolute value; a non-negative number is its own absolute value. The absolute values of 7 and -5, are, respectively, 7 and 5.
"What's the absolute value?" is a question you can ask of any number. Asking the question doesn't change the number. How to answer to the question for a negative number is simply to remove the negative sign. So the absolute value of -12.3 is 12.3 or 12 rounded to the nearest whole number; the absolute value of -12.7 is 12.7 or 13 rounded to the nearest whole number.
perhapsAnother AnswerThis is not true. Every positive number is equal to its absolute value. Every negative number will be smaller than its absolute value.
Sample Response: The absolute value of a number is the distance the number is from 0 on a number line. Since distance is never negative, absolute value is never negative.
Yes, absolute value is a number that is a whole number and it is non-negative.
The absolute value of a number is the positive (or non-negative) value of the number. The absolute value of 0 or a positive number is the number itself. The absolute value of a negative number is its positive equivalent.
No. The absolute value of a number is the value of the number ignoring the sign - it is always positive: The absolute value of a negative number is a positive number; The absolute value of a positive number is a positive number.